Celebs You Didn't Know Were Besties

Celebs You Didn't Know Were Besties 

Where would we be without our best friends? We all need that one person who we call our bestie, who will listen to our problems and love us despite our flaws and mistakes. Well, celebrities are no different. They also rely on their closest pals through all the good times and the bad. Sometimes, celeb friendships are front-page news. Who hasn't heard about that time Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer made each other cackle by co-writing a script? Or how Brad Pitt and George Clooney developed a high-profile friend-assance thanks to their Ocean's Eleven days? But sometimes, celeb friendships can go undetected enough by the public to arrive as a surprise when they find out the two like to kick it even when the cameras stop rolling. Here are some real-life celeb besties you might not know about..